Spring Cruise 2018

The planned Spring Cruise starting on Saturday, 26th May, 2018 is fast approaching, destination at present is still being worked on, but it would be lovely, if any interested boats could contact Joy and Lee to advise if they are planning to join in.  It will be very much weather dependent on which way we go,  either way, we plan to leave on Saturday 26th May 2018 early (0700) if going south or slightly later (1030) if northbound.
If you are interested, can you please contact as soon as possible, Lee and Joy Downes, details on the website or year book


One Reply to “Spring Cruise 2018”

  1. Osprey intends to be out for possible 2 week cruise to…. somewhere.
    We may be looking to delay departure until the Sunday to avoid mad Friday evening rush, but nothing set in stone yet.

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